Wednesday, August 10, 2011

Left behind without my bag...!

Aug 1,2011

Im on a bus… as usual… what a surprise! I’m riding 14 hours overnight on a double decker up to Bangkok, to catch a plane to Vietnam. I mind this kind of long travel WAY less than you may think. It’s like a little break from being busy, being hot, and staying in dirty places to sleep. I’ll read, listen to music, blog, ignore the obnoxiously loud thai movie on, and then pop a valium or xanax for a good nights sleep! :) Bye bye Thailand, love you long time!

About a minute ago I just made an almost fatal mistake. Here is the scenario; buses stop every few minutes to pick up passengers at what seems like completely random points, but they also stop frequently for smoke and toilet breaks. I have been on the bus for 5 hours, I have already drank one coke light, and some water, and already started and completed “Tuesdays with Morrie” (btw, great book) and this time we stop and pull into some kind of station. The driver gets out, a bunch of people get out and light up a cigarette, and by my stupid self-demise, I decide to risk it and get off to run to the bathroom. I literally run and pee in .5 seconds and hear the horn beep, just as I run out to see my bus pulling away!!!!! WTF man? I am the only white girl on here, and they all saw me get off, and heard me ask for the toilet, and my stuff was left in my seat. Really!?!? So, I’m there watching my bus drive off in the distance, and there are a bunch of guys around, so next thing I know I hop on the back of a motor bike to chase down the bus, we almost wreck by hitting a huge pothole, and then the motor driver honks at a woman in a truck, and quickly deposits me with her. (All of these people of course speak very little English). She is racing trying to catch up with the bus, which is farther and farther out of sight, and I am freaking out!!! (I have my money and passport on me, but not ALL the rest of my stuff). And just when the story is getting good, we see the bus in the distance, pulling to the side of the road, and as I board, I hear them saying “shs, white people…!” in Thai! HAHAHAHAHA. So, here I am now, watching the sunset out my window, thinking happy little valium thoughts, with 10 hours left to go… I think I’ll hold off on the water for a bit and keep my bootie in this seat until Bangkok at 4 am! LOL. Lesson learned.

I just left Phuket, where Leah and I met up with her mom for a few days. We had fun showing Janet the intricacies of Thai life and Thai food. We found a beach front bungalow with a great view, hung out and acted like the 3 of were still laughing teens at a reggae bar, ventured to Old Phuket Town for some historical back drops, and got lost on scooters while finding a beautiful orchid farm! Then, we happened to stumble on OnOn Hotel, the hostel from "The Beach" with Leonardo DiCaprio. Perfect last accommodation in Thailand! Look familiar?

Thailand has been amazing, and as I sit on this bus, recollecting the fun I have had so far, I am a bit sad to be heading to the next, and last, leg of my 2011 Asian journey. Leah and Janet are off for an Indonesian adventure, and I am meeting up with Alicia in Vietnam to make our way from Saigon to Hanoi for the next month. Bye Leah- You have been a great travel buddy, see ya back on the other side of the world! Wish you could taste this weird dried cherry type fruit I just got on the side of the road! :)

Vietnam, here I come baby!

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